Morning Buddy

A responsive time-adjusting alarm clock

This Android application was designed as part of a Senior Design course at Georgia Tech. My role in a team of 4 was that of a back-end developer, where I implemented core functionalities for the sleeping alarm adjustments using real world data from API calls made to Google: Traffic, TextAutoComplete, DistanceMatrix, and Maps.

Living in Atlanta and having to commute every morning to your work or college you can sometimes encounter unexpected delays. As we get ready for the day in our usual routine and commute, we are sometimes met with unforeseen circumstances that result in delays. For instance, traffic jams and weather can result in longer than expected commute times, but when we are sleeping we are unable to account for these unforeseen delays. Searching through the app stores, there is nothing of the sort that can readjust your alarm time while sleeping to account for increased commute times. Morning Buddy is our proof of concept to solve this.

This application was designed over a period of 2 months with a team of four. Our inspiration came from being late to class on occasion, when we were unable to account for icy side-walks and roads on the way to class. We needed a way to wake up earlier on such days to make up for lost time from unexpected conditions. With this new app we designed, this was no longer an issue. This app is an alarm that rescheduled the alarm based on increased traffic time and/or weather conditions. We did this using Yahoo Weather, and Google Traffic times to check in at select intervals, one hour prior to the pre-set alarm time. For instance, the user would tell the app what time they would like to wake up, the address of their home, and the address of their work or school. Then, from this information we used Yahoo Weather to check for bad weather, and Google Traffic to check for traffic jams along the route, using these two addresses. along the route. Given these two real-world informations, the alarm can readjust itself while you are sleeping.

I will always remember the experiences of having plenty of fun while developing with these guys. I learned so much from them and overall we all made each other better software developers at the end of the day.
Song Zheng - Back-End
Kody Lasseter - User Interface
Ivan Wong - User Experience